The Twilight series phenomenon began shortly after the release of the first novel in 2005. Since then the vampire popularity has stirred authors to create a new genre of young adult literature. Here are a few that fit the vampire genre: Melissa de la Cruz's Blue Bloods series, P.C. Cast's House of Night series, Christopher Pike's Thirst series, Darren Shan's Cirque du Freak series, and Maggie Stiefvater's Mercy Falls series.
I have to admit I am a little over the vampire books so I was a little excited to read Heather Brewer's The Slayer Chronicles. This new five books series is a companion to The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod. The Slayer Chronicles tells the other side of the story. Joss McMillan, Vlad's former friend, reveals his perspective of becoming a vampire slayer. If you are ready to see vampires go away, then this series is for you! First Kill explains in detail Joss's recruitment into the Slayer Society and his first killing of a vampire.
Stephenie Meyer's also attempted to tell Edward Cullen's side of the Twilight series. Unfortunately, the first 12 chapters were leaked to the internet. She decided not to finish the book and instead posted the unfinished novel, Midnight Sun, on her website. You can read the partial novel here: . Stephenie has mentioned that if she would write from another character's perspective she would choose Renesmee Cullen, Bella and Edward's daughter.
So, the question remains are we ready to slay the vampire craze or will it become an official genre of literature?
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